Mardywright's Blog

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Assured Short hold tenancy agreement

Posted by mardywright on November 4, 2009

Assured Shorthold tenancy agreement is meant to nullify the risks and conflicts between the landlord and the tenants. It saves the tenant from unwanted and wasteful accusations by the landlord and also the landlord for securing his property intact from the tenant and as per the agreement. Correct measures have to be taken for the follow up of the agreement. This article will throw light on some of the important features of the Assured Shorthold tenancy agreement.

For landlords, it is always safer to plan out the agreement statement and convey the same to the tenants. The landlord must not forget to mention all the necessary details regarding the sharing of properties in case of room or other responsibilities for independent tenants. The covering of the Assured Shorthold tenancy agreement must be entailed by the common contract of insurance. Minimum span of the agreement must be set to six month period. The landlord is restricted to attain the possession of the property before the minimum period. Any breach of contract by the tenants is excluded for that matter. After the first six months, it can automatically be considered as a periodic assured shorthold tenancy agreement. Now this is implied that the span of the contract is explicitly mentioned and pertains to the mention.

The smooth termination of the contract demands a certain criteria. In case of non-compliance, the landlord himself may not be able to withhold his property. To ensure this does not happen, the landlord must send a prior notice of termination to the tenant. The notice is the only evidence to show that the intention has been conveyed to the tenant and hence a copy must be preserved. Some agreements also include conditions on the deposit scheme which must be followed if mentioned in the respective Assured shorthold tenancy agreement.

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